Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fail Dog

You guys I just want to eat salsa and read fashion blogs all day.

You guys I just want something CRAZY EXCITING to happen.

You guys I just want this nostalgia to die.

You guys I just want it to be last summer again.

You guys I just want to be a prism and explode into ONE THOUSAND COLORS.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

12 swells

Last night was probably the worst night I've had in a long time.  I did a number of stupid things I won't even type out.

Today was pretty bad as well.  I didn't go into work and found out events are canceled tomorrow because of the snow so I don't go in until Friday at eleven.  Friday and Saturday were supposed to be my two paid vacation days I saved so I don't know what my paycheck next week will look like--certainly under $100 I'm afraid.  Maybe even under $50.  It's great to not go into work but I wish it would happen on a nice summer day so I could go out and do something (not during the aftermath of a freak ice storm in which roads and stores are STILL shut down) or at least happen during a busy week so I wouldn't feel so guilty about spending any money. Oh well.

Monday, January 10, 2011

10 when


Last night was spent snowed in at Grant's house in 5 Points with Sean, Marah and Joseph.  A rare occasion of high Bud Lite consumption occurred and today was spent slipping around while walking in the snow.  I ended up not having to work at all and I may not have to work tomorrow.  This would usually excite me but now I am scared I won't get a paycheck at all next week if everything continues to be canceled.  ARGH.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Today was a glorious day off!

I went running this morning then went to yoga at noon and had the most amazing class ever!  I still feel great almost 9 hours later.  Lots of flow and interesting poses that seem to come from Bikram.  I measured out the food I made for lunch (vegan chicken nuggets and tortilla chips and salsa) and realized I never read nutritional labels well enough...specifically, not paying attention to suggested serving size.  I measured out one serving of tortilla chips (only 13 little chips) and was all..."woah, I usually would eat half a bag, that's about four times this amount" and it was a good revelation.

We went to Two Story Coffeehouse and I watched An Education on my laptop and drank a delicious soy latte.  THEN my boss texted me and said Classic City Rotary is canceled, so I do not have to work tomorrow morning!  Yippee! I just about flipped out then remembered that without working much I am making less than, like, $200 a week which is pitiful so I offered to go in tomorrow night in case anyone isn't able to drive their car.

Why wouldn't they be able to drive their car, may you ask?  Well, in case you haven't heard the scoop, Athens is going to be getting a BLIZZARD tomorrow.  People have been canceling events since two days ago, even, in preparation for this.  I plan on FINALLY finishing Life of Pi and sleepin' in.  Now for more Simpsons watching. Bye!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

8 skate

Today I worked and it was super easy.  Davey picked me up and we went to Becky and Grant's house with all the puppies for lunch.  I went running and we went to Publix and splurged on groceries!  Then we went to Jamey and Mary's for dinner and we all went to Normal Bar and played Word Party there.  It was terribly cold outside which really brought my mood down.  Also I am nervous about the compulsions I am having in the whole bettering my health thing.  I shouldn't be almost crying if I think I won't have time to go running.  I don't really know where I am in relation to normalcy with all that because I never, ever discipline myself.  At least I have gone nine days without smoking, though.  Even though it was over a week ago that I had a very bad cold, my body still is coughing and full of congestion, which is hopefully just my lungs getting rid of all the bad toxins.

Friday, January 7, 2011

7 eleven

Tonight's blog is coming from my iPod touch from Little Kings. Meaning, please excuse spelling due to key pad inability and bar activities.

Today I unfortunately slept through yoga but went running. I downloaded this application on my iPod that let's you enter your food intake and exercise to calculate calories and weight loss goals. I was 44 calories under my recommended intake goal, but I'm sure these two whiskies and Blenheims, but...

I ran into Jamey And Mary downtown today at Walker's and got some reading done. Then I went to Dynamyte and bought shoes, socks and sunglasses. Oops.

I should go. I am looking super duper anti social right now for sure.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

6 fix


I was only there three hours today and went practically ballistic.  It is tragic hating being somewhere so badly that even if you get lucky or finagle a way to get out after three hours, you sprint out the door than realize, "wait, I only made, like $20 in this measly shift..."

But well.  Tomorrow is a day off and I THINK I that even though I didn't work for almost two weeks I'll be getting a tiny sum of money (paid holiday--New Years.)

I will write about this here --even though no one reads this blog-- so I can stop bragging about this in real life:  Not smoking saves money and it's totes worth it!  $6.50 a day (and I live in an EXTREMELY CHEAP town/state), times 7 days a week, times 4 weeks means I am saving $182 a week and over $2000 a month...wheeeeeeee!

I had my alarm set for 7:00am this morning but the next thing I knew it was 9:00am and my phone was ringing.  Therefore I didn't get to run before work but I did run, this afternoon and struggled a bit, I'm not sure why.  I haven't slept through my alarm in a while...

Oh wow, Davey and I watched this crazy movie last night called "Buried" and not that the plot isn't basically given away in the title but if you do choose to watch it, prepare to be very, very claustrophobic.  HA HA HA HA HA.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

5 Alive

Today I actually woke up early and ran/stretched/did sit-ups before work, hooray~!  Then I walked to the co-op and bought a bunch of dark chocolate covered espresso beans, which was a bad idea because I ate them before an 8 hour work shift and felt a little bit sick.  Work wasn't too bad at all today, surprisingly.  I got a bit of reading done in the locker room before my shift.  Hannah and I were going to go to yoga after our shift ended but a bunch of co-workers were going to the Globe for a drink so we went there for a couple gin and tonics then we ate dinner together at Taco Stand.  I got TWO tofu burritos but I don't care...I haven't been there in weeks and I won't have time to eat something like that for a while.  Now it is only 9:00 and I just got back from J's with some whiskey. Driving a car made me want to smoke for the first time this week but of course I didn't.  I was tempted the buy some cloves because they aren't really cigarettes yet I did not and now that I am home I am glad I did not.  I need to do yoga tomorrow because now two days have elapsed.  I plan to get up early and exercise again, and hopefully eat less tomorrow.  I need to get on my movie watching and also instrument learning!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Ahhh keeping track of this is a lot of pressure!  I just don't have time for anything.  Tonight we went to RuSan's and then to Jamey and Mary's to watch The American Astronaut (I guess my first movie of the year!)  Going back to work was pretty terrible because I hate not knowing when I'm going to get out.  I didn't have time to read which I was planning on doing and even worse I didn't run or go to yoga but I walked both ways to work which is a few miles, better than nothing I guess.  Still no smoking as well.  It's only 11:00pm but I want to run before work tomorrow so my alarm is set for 7:00am...ick!  Then maybe I can read before work at 10:00am then get out of work in time for the later yoga class but knowing Holiday I probably will not.  I have Friday off so hopefully I can see people all day then.

Monday, January 3, 2011


Today I can breathe out of my nose, although my septum resembles that of a crack whore.  Or at least my nostrils look like I have been bumping.

Sarah and Robert left today.

Today was my last day off of work...13 days or so without working.  Going back tomorrow morning is going to be MISERABLE.

I ran for the longest I have today, around the neighborhood a while until I noticed a little girl sitting outside staring at me then I ran out to the Chicken Factory until I ran out of sidewalk then ran/walked back.

Same as the past two days, I am fulfilling my N/Y resolutions.  I am currently reading the Life of Pi, and got a bit into it as the internet was down today.

I went to yoga with Hannah and Mary tonight.  I have mixed feelings about yoga.  I am too god damn lazy.

I found out you can buy co-op sandwiches with food stamps.  My life as I know it will never be the same.

I went to Kristen/Connor's party at Becky's and Grant's tonight.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


I still feel awful and look even worse.  How do some people look reasonably healthy when they have a bad cold while some people are obviously infected?  My nose is swollen, my eyes are squinty and if I saw myself on the street I would be sure I was a poster child for rosacea.

Sarah and Robert are leaving tomorrow morning and I feel like I've been a bad host but at the same time I haven't really been in the right mind due to my health and also to be honest I don't really do anything, especially not while I'm on vacation.  We got coffee today and went to Kelly's, though!

I went running a bit more this morning, more than I did yesterday afternoon and I still haven't smoked!

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Happie New Years!

Question: will YOU pronounce it Option A.) twenny-eleven or Option B.) two-thouzan-eleven?

I don't really know what to do.  Option A sounds militant and Option B is wordy.

In way of last night, I felt rather sickly but still went downtown and good times were had with great people.

In way of resolutions, I have not smoked at all today!  Which is amazing, I am a hard core "smokes a pack a day" girl and have been for over two years.  Eek!  Maybe I will write a story about that, but not today.  Feelin' flu-y is really helping with this not smoking thing.

I went downtown with Robert and Sarah and it was POURING and miserable and absolutely no one was downtown.  I was rather embarrassed of my little city.  I almost wished the college kids were around to bulk it up.

After getting home I went for a run.  Which I haven't done in almost a year...I felt good though!