Friday, December 31, 2010

10 Things To Do In 2011

1. QUIT SMOKING!  (This MUST happen)
2. Lose weight
3. Read 100 books and keep track/write about them
4. Watch 100 movies and keep track/write about them
5. Move out of Athens
6. Learn an instrument
7. Volunteer
8. More yoga
9. Write everyday
10. Indulge in healthier pleasures!

Well there ya go folks!  I am officially the most boring person!

In other news, my two BFFs from Maine are visiting TONIGHT for a few nights.  I really hope I am not scheduled to work, but of course I probably will be.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My mother and my cat Ozzy.  October 5th, 2008

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I am as usual really very frustrated with myself.  Also I am really annoyed with a few of my friends for their behavior.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Last night was Pierre's party at Flicker.  It was great to see all of Athens out to say bye to him.  Everyone loves Pierre, in one way or another.

He received an awesome strawberry ice cream lamp!

In other news, I am really really excited to tell you a joyous proclaimation:

Davey Whitney and I are going to be best friends!

How amazing it will be to have a platonic male friend.  To do dude things with each other and not want to have sex with each other!  Go us!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Snooze button

Last I went to the Secret Squirrel.  I left before it was over but was not tired at all...saw two movies yesterday, Zombieland and Up!  I liked Zombieland but hated was very sad and depressing to me, which was counterproductive, right?

I woke up with 9:00 and went with Davey to pick up Lindsey at the Atlanta airport.  I was a surprise guest!  He asked me last night if I wanted to come pick her up and I agreed to on the condition that it would be a surprise.  We got to the airport perfect timing and saw Lindsey come up the escalator...I made a sign which read LINDSEY JANE like the other chaffeurs.  I think she liked it.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

can't stop the weather

I'm getting coffee right now, waiting for Pierre to get back soon.  He has been gone all week, selling merch for some bands through the southeast.

Although it is still late August I can already feel the season changing.  Maybe it was from the torrential downpour we have had the past few days to cool everything off (finally sunny again) or maybe it is from being downtown in this little college city on Friday and Saturday nights.  All the students are back.

In all my Maine summers the last week of August has always been a series of heat waves, and last year down here September had some of the hottest temperatures of the whole summer, though.


Although I hate being cold, I am excited for the change of attire.  I have pretty much exhausted the wear of all my summery dresses, and never have the budget for new outfits.  Since I am lazy and always running late, the rest of my days were spent in denim shorts and oversized band t-shirts.  In the winter you can get away with wearing pajamas as long as you have a nice jacket and scarf over them!

Along with the return of Pierre my great pal Lindsey Jane gets back from the great north (Vermont) tomorrow!  I think I don't stress enough how lovely my friends are.  To chance sounding pathetic, I will admit that I didn't have very many friends growing up.  How wonderful it is to be able to spend time with my friends!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

new hair!

glow pt 2

Coffee this morning, then work.

Today and yesterday I was called into work...just two short shifts working alone.  Limited time at the hell-hole, plus getting to work alone, my favorite!

Mostly had to stack and put away a lot of chairs, which is one of my favorite things to do.  Stacking them ten high, very tedious yet surprisingly refreshing.  ker-plunk!  ker-plunk!  I try to do it all in good rhythm.

Ho-tel Mo-tel Hol-i-day-Inn

My i-pod is officially dead.  I think it is the battery.  I read about a month ago that if you bought the i-pod within a year, you get the battery replaced for free.  With my awfully messy habits I pushed the idea aside because I was sure I had thrown the receipt away.  A couple days ago I had to rummage through a few shoeboxes to find my checkbook...I found the original box the i-pod came in, and of course the receipt is in fact there...dated August 12th, 2009.  Missed the one-year warranty by seven days.

Woe is me!

Woe is my luck!

I think I rely on photographic memory so that is why I feel most organized when everything is strewn about where I can see it.  I disagree with the, like, feng shui mantra of

"a place for everything and everything in its place"

I need to see everything to believe it...though just because you can't see it, does not mean it's not there.

Back to the i-pod, it really is quite tragic.  I walk so much and have always had a peppy song to get me to the places I need to be.  Or, similarly, a sad song on hand for a depressing walk home, sometimes.

However, walking lots without music has helped me to think, think, think.  Brains are amazing, brains and emotions!

My mind is always going tick-tick-tick.  It makes me feel really good.  Sometimes I think of what I would like the say to specific people, if I got the chance.  Monologues, I guess.  Then I write them out and realize what terrible things I have to say and scratch the idea all together.

A massive change is on the horizon, and I am both scared and excited.

More rain notes, as it is still raining tons here:

Rain makes sorority girls wear those hideous plastic knee-high rain boots.  They are neon, and make my eyes hurt.

Maybe I am just jealous because I have not a pair.  Obnoxious fashion is okay when I'm wearing it.

But just when I'm weearing it.


More rain, more rain!  I am sleepy but about to go into work.

I cut myself bangs last night, but they look terrible.  Very very thick and poufy, I definitely did not know what I was doing.  No photographs for you.